Race against time

Posted on Jan 19, 2010

Directory of Communications Andrew Marx posts from Boston:

Today held more challenges and more successes for Partners In Health. The race against the clock is quickening as infections and sepsis become ever greater concerns for the seriously injured with each passing hour. Fortunately, critical surgical, supply chain and available facility capacity continue to expand rapidly.

In Port-au-Prince, the operating rooms at the city's main General Hospital have been declared structurally sound and are now staffed and ready to receive patients. These ORs will supplement the seven emergency operating tables already set up on the hospital grounds. A helicopter landing pad has been designated nearby to accommodate the most critical patients. An additional facility at Croix de Bouquet has also been opened bringing the count of PIH/ZL supported operating rooms up to 20. This number includes 2 operating rooms at three facilities in the Central Plateau and the Artibonite.

These hospitals outside the city are coming under increasing pressure as a growing number of the injured, homeless and hungry residents of Port-au-Prince continue their mass reverse migration to the countryside. Earlier today, Dr. Jon Crocker reported from PIH/ZL's hospital in Cange, where the work of Partners In Health started and has been ongoing for nearly 25 years.

We arrived at Cange, in the Central Plateau, the heart of operations for Partners In Health/Zamni Lasante, yesterday. As we expected, things are incredibly busy. People are still arriving from Port-au-Prince. Those who have been fortunate enough to survive their injuries this long are now running into complications of wound infections, some of which have turned septic, and venous blood clots (from immobility and trauma). Patients have completely filled the hospital and we have set up makeshift wards in a nearby church and school. Both surgical and non-surgical personnel are working tirelessly....

The Haitian medical staff of Partners In Health/Zamni Lasante and survivors of the quake are working with unimaginable valor and dedication. Many of them have lost members of their own families. And yet they remain here, working tirelessly to provide care for others. They are the true heroes. Those of us fortunate enough to be here to contribute to the immediate relief efforts labor by their side with complete humility. We are in awe of their strength, compassion and dedication.

Read Dr. Crocker's full report

Watch a slideshow of our work in Haiti

Thank you for your support and welcomed messages of encouragement. Please continue to help us spread the word on Facebook and Twitter. Keeping Haiti in the hearts and minds of the world is more important now than ever.

In solidarity,

Andrew Marx
Director of Communications

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