Zanmi Lasante psychologist honored by Women Deliver

Posted on Mar 7, 2011


Psychologist Tatiana Therosme outside a patient's home in Cange, Haiti.

"Not all lives are saved in hospitals--some are saved at kitchen tables. That's where [Tatiana] Therosme, a psychologist, often does her work," states the Women Deliver website, which recently named Therosme as one of the 100 most inspiring people working to improve the lives of girls and women around the world. Therosme works with PIH’s sister organization in Haiti, Zanmi Lasante.

The list was compiled to commemorate the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day. Other honorees include Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Grameen Bank founder and Nobel Laureate Muhammad Yunus, and celebrity philanthropist Oprah Winfrey.

"Even before the devastation of last year’s earthquake, she [Therosme] was one of very few mental health professionals in all of Haiti," writes Women Deliver. "She is working with women recovering from the trauma of the 2010 earthquake, and the epidemic of sexual assault, physical abuse, depression and anxiety that followed. Helping women to work through their experiences and look forward into the future, Therosme is more than just a listening ear--she is helping women to recover their lives."

"When I think of all those who constantly struggle to improve conditions for the Haitian woman and of all the parents who make sacrifices so that their girls can have better living conditions than their own, I will say that I am far from deserving this award," writes Therosme from Zanmi Lasante's Cange hospital in Haiti's Central Plateau. "However, this does not prevent me from feeling honored and I want to take this opportunity to acknowledge the courage of all Haitian women and to also share this rain of honor to all women in the world who deserve this award but remain in the shadows. THANK YOU!”

"Working with PIH gives me the opportunity to discover myself and to be useful where my services are needed," writes Therosme. "Thanks to PIH I find more reasons to attach myself to my country and to my brothers and sisters who live in the rural areas of Haiti."

Read about Tatiana Therosme’s work with one patient suffering from psychosis following the earthquake.

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