CBS Boston: Boston Nurse Heads To West Africa To Fight Ebola


John Welch, 33, walks with determination. This weekend he travels to Liberia where he will spend one month treating Ebola patients.

“I think it would be naive of me to say I am prepared me for anything,” Welch said.

Welch took a leave from his job at Children’s Hospital to work with the non-profit, Partners in Health. The organization focuses on taking care of the health needs of vulnerable populations.

Welch has served in Haiti, but the needs of this trip are specific. He spent several days with the CDC in Alabama where a mock Ebola treatment unit, like the ones in Africa, was set-up. They were trained on how to protect themselves while providing treatment.

“For me the feeling now is to stop talking about Ebola and go and start learning how to this in a very practical way,” Welch said.

He said his experiences and training have adequately prepared him for what he faces.”

“I have to have a little bit of concern for what we’re doing, but that concern drives awareness and drives mindfulness,” Welch said.

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