Mission Partners & Affiliated Projects

At a Partners In Health symposium several years ago, a young man from Burundi took the podium. “The fight for global health has started,” he told the rapt audience. “And it won’t be won if only one organization like Partners In Health is in the running, without [other organizations] branching off. It will be won by an army of compassionate people who think globally like PIH people.”

The movement to provide high-quality health care for people living in poor communities continues to grow, and it wouldn't be possible without the following organizations. All work with local communities and governments to create change. We're proud to count them as partners who are working to implement the PIH model across the globe.

Affiliated Projects

EAPSEC / Mexico

El Equipo de Apoyo en Salud y Educación Comunitaria (EAPSEC, The Team for the Support of Community Health and Education) was established in 1985 by a small group of Mexican health promoters. Over the past two decades, the EAPSEC has partnered with dozens of indigenous and rural communities throughout Chiapas to develop local health capacity.

ETESC / Guatemala

Equipo Técnico de Educación en Salud Comunitaria (ETESC, Technical Team for Education in Community Health) is a community non-profit that seeks to revitalize and repair the social fabric in Huehuetenango, Guatemala. Strategies for structural and care-based change include legal accompaniment, health care access and promotion, and HIV education for students.

AA&D / Chennai & Lima

Advance Access & Delivery (AA&D) is a global health initiative formed to drive and support quality health care delivery and policy innovations. The initiative is closely aligned with the Zero TB Cities Project, a new initiative, formed in 2014 to harness growing momentum behind the idea of bringing the global tuberculosis (TB) epidemic into the elimination phase, with a particular focus on local government participation and catalytic successes in multiple locations. Click here to donate.

Mission Partners


Through our partnership with Justice Resource Institute, the Boston-based PACT Project serves HIV patients and provides technical assistance to other health care organizations. The PACT project transitioned to JRI Health, a division of the Justice Resource Institute, in July 2013. One of the largest human service agencies in Massachusetts with more than 40 years of experience, JRI continues serving PACT’s Boston-area patients while devising ways to implement similar health care programs across the United States.

Possible / NEPAL

Possible is a nonprofit healthcare company that delivers high-quality, low-cost healthcare to the world’s poor. Possible is pioneering a new approach, called durable healthcare, that brings together the best of private, public, and philanthropic models. Since 2008, Possible has treated over 167,000 patients in rural Nepal through government hospitals, clinics, community health workers, and a referral network.

PIVOT / Madagascar

PIVOT is a non-profit organization that seeks to create a model system of universal access to quality health care for Madagascar via comprehensive health system strengthening in a region near Ranomafana National Park. They tailor their efforts and evaluate progress according to objectives built upon the following core principles: 1) provide timely, accessible, quality care for as many people as possible given the resources at available, 2) work alongside in partnership with the Ministry of Health, local communities, and other organizations, 3) rigorously and continuously evaluate impacts of the programs. Support research on root causes of poverty and disease to increase knowledge of evidence-based health system interventions.

Muso / MALI

Muso works with Ministries of Health to redesign health systems, recognizing that to save lives in the world’s poorest communities, a reactive model is not enough. Muso focuses on speed: saving lives by reaching patients within the first hours of the moment they get sick. Through a decade of research, Muso built a different kind of health system — one that removes barriers and brings care to patients proactively. A recent Harvard/UCSF study documented a 90% difference in child mortality after the rollout of Muso's proactive health system in an area of Mali.

Last Mile Health / LIBERIA

Founded by the survivors of Liberia’s civil war, Last Mile Health (LMH) saves lives in the world’s most remote villages. The organization specializes in the development and management of professionalized Community Health Workers who bridge the gap between hospital and remote villages, bringing critical services to the doorsteps of people living in the last mile. LMH’s programs are implemented hand-in-hand with community members, local government officials, national policy makers, and global partners to ensure sustainable impact.

Village Health Works / BURUNDI

Village Health Works was formed to bring high-quality health care to the rural Burundi community of Kigutu, as well as to address the root of the village's poor health--poverty. The Kigutu Health Center provides clinical services to the community, focusing on primary care, pediatrics, and women's health.