Comprehensive Training Curriculum for Household Development Agents in Haiti

These training modules were developed and used during the pilot phase of the Household Development Agent Initiative (L’Initiative Agents Communautaire Polyvalent – KORE FANMI). Fanmi (“Family Support” in Creole) is an initiative of the Haitian government, implemented by the Economic and Social Assistance Fund (Fonds d’Assistance Economique et Sociales (FAES)), with funding from the World Bank, in partnership with the United Nations agencies, WFP and UNICEF. Kore Fanmi aims to improve access to social services in rural Haiti through a network of polyvalent community agents. The modules on Diarrheal Disease, Nutrition, Vaccination, and Reproductive Health are currently pending final approval by the Haitian Ministry of Public Health and Population.
More information on Kore Fanmi may be found following this link:

This comprehensive curriculum for Household Development Agents (specialized polyvalent community health workers (CHWs)), trained under a World Bank funded pilot, consists of 8 training units: Human Rights, Community Mobilization & Communication, Cholera, Family Planning, Diarrheal Disease, Vaccination, Reproductive Health, and Nutrition. These units contain standard and widely accepted information and protocols that have been adapted for the Haitian context. They are written in Haitian Creole.