Universal Health Coverage Monitoring & Planning Tool

Over the past three years, the global community has rallied around 17 Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations as, “the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.” The third of these goals calls for the achievement of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) by 2030.

Achieving UHC has, accordingly, become a major priority of global health leaders, with much of the discourse focused on financial protection and increased investments in health. However, while progress around financial protection and elimination of barriers to care—such as user fees—is essential, so, too, is planning and monitoring how countries deliver high-quality health services. 

Currently, many national health plans focus on central-level planning, starting with an overall funding envelope and working backwards from there, rather than starting at the individual facility level and allocating funding based on the needs of the population.

To this end, Partners In Health (PIH) has developed and tested a UHC Monitoring and Planning Tool to assist with the planning and implementation of health interventions. The tool is intended to accomplish two major purposes:

1) Project disease burden and UHC needs at the facility and catchment area level, and other sub-national levels—such as districts and communities—and compare these projections to current service delivery levels; and,

2) Determine estimates of required health system inputs, such as staff and infrastructure, that are needed to meet the universal coverage needs within health facilities’ catchment areas.  

We encourage you to read the attached user guide and explore the tool. As a note, this version of the tool has been designed for ten units of analysis (facility, district, etc.) but can be expanded as needed. Please feel free to email us for assistance with customization or adding additional capacity to the tool.

Please contact us with feedback or questions at: Boston_MEQ@pih.org 

Publication Name
UHC Monitoring and Planning Tool
UHC Monitoring and Planning Tool
Publication Name
User Guide for UHC Monitoring and Planning Tool
User Guide for UHC Monitoring and Planning Tool