Statement from PIH regarding US Supreme Court repeal of Roe v Wade

Partners In Health stands firmly behind women’s autonomy as a core principle of health equity. As clinicians and public health professionals, we are enraged at the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade – a decision that will disproportionally affect those who are systemically marginalized, starting with communities of color and those who struggle with poverty. Access to safe abortion is health care. The elimination of this right will lead to devastating and unacceptable outcomes – including the death of pregnant people.

PIH is calling on elected leaders to codify abortion access into law nationwide.


Further Support

  • Evidence from around the world shows that criminalizing abortion never reduces abortions; it just weaponizes the health system against women and pregnancy-capable people. It impacts the most marginalized communities and results in unsafe abortions. Unsafe abortions are fatal and are the third leading cause of maternal mortality worldwide according to the World Health Organization.
  • This ruling will have a chilling effect and may very well affect care-seeking for obstetric emergencies and, in turn, maternal mortality. The United States has the highest maternal mortality rate in the industrialized world, especially among women of color. Eliminating access to abortion is egregious and dehumanizing to the over 160 million women and pregnancy-capable people who live in this country.
  • This decision is not just unprecedented in removing a constitutional right from half of the population; it is also far out of step with international law and liberalizing trends in democratic countries around the world. Abortion is essential to women’s rights, health, and equality. Anything impeding on a woman’s right to make her own decisions about her health is diminishing the life and rights of women.