PIH® Program Management Guide

During the last 30 years, Partners In Health has worked with our partners in 11 countries to break the cycle of poverty and disease by delivering high quality care and addressing the needs of the poor. Many inquiries from those working to promote and implement effective rights-based approaches to the delivery of health care in difficult settings made us aware of the value of sharing strategies that have helped us to implement and to improve our programs, including:

  • Planning the layout of a health facility
  • Working effectively with the public sector
  • Procuring medicines and supplies
  • Hiring local residents
  • Training clinicians and community health workers

We recognize that there is not a one-size-fits-all approach to this work, and that contexts are varied and ever-changing. We have posted The Program Management Guide online to facilitate feedback from those who are using it in the field, as well as from program managers and practitioners who are using other successful approaches not identified in this work. We hope this guide will bring about a productive conversation on ways to learn from each other and to improve service.

Publication Name
Full Guide
PIH Program Management Guide
Publication Name
Front Material
PIH Program Management Guide